About the Author

I'm Lennart Wendt, currently working in Finance at ProteinDistillery, a German FoodTech company. As someone deeply interested in the climate tech and deep tech sectors, I've embarked on a learning journey to understand innovative financing solutions. Through this project, I hope to contribute to bridging the gap between groundbreaking technologies and the capital they need to scale, while learning from others in this space.

Why This Database?

Inspired by a recent Tech for Net Zero paper on public guarantees for climate tech projects, I've created this resource to map public guarantee programs across Europe. These mechanisms are crucial for First-of-a-Kind (FOAK) financing, unlocking private capital for innovative projects.

This database aims to:

  1. Provide an overview of available guarantee mechanisms
  2. Help navigate the FOAK financing landscape
  3. Identify gaps and opportunities in public guarantees

Let's Collaborate!

Your input is needed! This database focuses slightly on Germany (and a specific region called Baden-Würtemberg, as this is where my company is located). However, this resource should serve everyone. Thus if you know of any local public guarantee programs not listed here or have insights to share:

  1. Add to the database via this Google Form
  2. Contact me directly

Together, we can create a valuable resource for the deep tech and climate tech community, working towards a sustainable future.

Public Guarantee Database